designed and built by Christopher Alexander and his associates from CENTER FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STRUCTURE
in conjunction with the users and families of users who worked with us,
using techniques similar to those described on this web site
View of Common Land, cluster of user-designed houses on Lake Travis, Austin, TexasView of Common Land: water course, benches and trellises for everyone's useView of Common Land between the housesView of house from Common LandOne of the housesView of house through Commons LandView from porch to Common LandUser-designed house: Austin, TexasUser-designed house: Austin, TexasUser-designed house: Austin, TexasUser-designed house: Dining room, Austin, TexasUser-designed house: Dining room, Austin, TexasOne of three houses on Lake Travis, Austin, TexasUser-designed house: Living room, Austin, TexasView from Kitchen in one of the housesCovered walkway in houseOutdoor Fireplace in covered heavy timber porchLiving room, with wood stoveEntry to houseLiving Room with fireplaceEnclosed porch, looking to commons landBed alcoveChildren's roomChildren's roomSecond floor terrace