San Francisco, CA 1985
designed and built by Christopher Alexander
and his students from UC Berkeley using techniques described in A Pattern Language
and The Timeless Way of Building
The concrete bench at Fort Mason, San Francisco, designed and built by Christopher Alexander and his students from UC Berkeley, 1985Placing dry-stacking concrete blocks to get the right arrangement of the benchLast look at mockups, deciding the right shape and size and height, before starting on the work of building the actual bench"After the mockup showed us where to place the bench, we used the same blocks to build the armature. Here, people are beginning to pour concrete into the first course of blocks"The bench poured, ready to receive terrazzo ornament on the end panel (Chris pictured cleaning off the bench)The finished bench, San Francisco, 1985. The very unexpected form of the bench which came into existence is visible, and one sees (or senses) how the whole of it is a result of the structure-preserving transformations in the fundamental process