Stand in the room and make guesses about where to put windows to enhance the feeling of the room.

Stand in the room and make guesses about where to put windows to enhance the feeling of the room.

Use surveyors tape to place openings where you think the windows ought to be, and at the size you think they ought to be.

Double check, move, and adjust the surveyors tape until openings feel just right.

Double check, move, and adjust the surveyors tape until openings feel just right.

Double check, move, and adjust the surveyors tape until openings feel just right.

Look at the windows from outside the building. Move and resize as needed.

Look at the windows from outside the building. Move and resize as needed.

Take measurements and place rough frames.

Take measurements and place rough frames.

Take measurements and place rough frames.

Make a rough stab at possible fenestration pattern—to be decided finally in a later session.

Make a rough stab at possible fenestration pattern—to be decided finally in a later session.